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  • Who is the most influential person in bringing others to church?

    1. “The church member is the most influential person in bringing their circle of unchurched friends, family, co-workers and neighbors.”

    2. I think as members we underestimate how much power we have in bringing people in. Ultimately we have more influence over our friends and family than church advertising.


  • How is knowledge, sanctification, and heart connected to church growth?

    1. “Knowing why we are a part of the church, setting ourselves apart for ministry and a heart connected is vital to church growth.”

    2. In this it shows that all of these aspects are important and none of them should be sacrificed. To be successfully morally and in growth as a church proficiency in each area is required.


  • From a leadership perspective, how do leaders shape the direction and growth of the church?

    1. “Leaders set the standard by their lifestyle and clarify the vision for growth.”

    2. Leaders plays an important role, it is crucial for there to be clear direction that can only be outlined by leaders of the church.


  • How important is organized outreach from within the church?

    1. “Getting involved in your surrounding community is extremely important. Being able to get into their world and modeling a spirit filled lifestyle can draw others to the hope we have in Christ.”

    2. In this model, outreach or service can be seen as the basis for bringing others to church. They are touched by the outreach and then drawn to the church as a whole. It is key that services from individual churches don't become about promotion but about offering the free gift of grace.


  • What is a good balance between traditional and progressive?

    1. “Stay true to your core beliefs, but allow flexibility in the methodology of how to share the gospel to your specific community.”

    2. This balance is key, many churches go too far one way. Core beliefs in doctrine are extremely important and cannot be sacrificed for anything, but some tradition should be sacrificed for the sake of who is trying to be reached.​


  • How effective is church planting in increasing church membership in your opinion?

    1. “I think it's effective if you are reaching unreached communities and if your motive is to see the global church grow, not your brand of a church.”

    2. This answer emphasizes the importance of the idea of the world church, as in the body of believers rather than one specific denomination or congregation.


  • How important are denominations is church planting process?

    1. “Denominations are important if they are providing accountability for the church being planted, but not if it's just for tradition sake.”

    2. Denominations provide a sound doctrine and set of beliefs to build upon, especially for the leadership of the church. It can be helpful in this way instead of starting fresh every time. Some aspects can be too restrictive though.


  • What should be the biggest draw of a church?

    1. “Connecting people to God and equipping them to take God’s presence to people.”

    2. Success in a church is empowering the congregation and potential newcomers to bring the presence of God with them wherever they go. If guests see this within the congregation it can inspire them to desire the same.


  • Are events or relationships more successful in bringing people in?

    1. “Events are more successful for a one day thing, but if you want growth that's long lasting then relationships are what will bring people and keep people.”

    2. Events to get the word out are effective many times, but you can't sacrifice relationships for events. The focus has to be on the individual.


  • How has the history of the church shaped the conflicts we face today?

    1. “The history of the church has seemed to avoid things they didn't understand fully which caused a lot of hurt in people today. But what I see from the church now is a desire to listen and understand the conflicts people face with compassion.”

    2. To solve the hurt the “church” has caused in the past we have to as the body of Christ communicate exactly where we stand and what is true about Christianity versus what has been westernized. We must act with open hearts and be willing to confront and deal with the things we don't understand, while communication truth with grace.

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