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Annotated Bibliography 3

Source #3 Bibliography

Campbell, Josephine. "Church Planting." Salem Press Encyclopedia, January. EBSCOhost,


This source is essentially about how churches have been able to grow over time using the tactic of church planting. It goes through the origin of this concept and the modern adaptation. It talks about the purpose of church planting and how it has aided in growing the church and increasing attendance of struggling congregations. It offers a perspective from the universal church and not a specific denomination.

Potential Quotes:

“The congregation at St. Peter's included slightly more than a dozen people when the church planters arrived, but by 2015, it had almost one thousand members. At the same time, the Diocese of London continued to plan and plant new churches in areas such as newly built communities.”

“A concerted effort to rapidly grow a denomination through these tactics is known as a church planting movement. Many of the strategies of these movements have also been adapted to revive dwindling congregations.”


This article comes from the salem encyclopedia and is therefore a credible source. It is factually and historically accurate. It seems to hold very few biases.


I believe I can use this as part of my solution to my essential question. It makes many good points about church growth and I think if I can take ideas with this along with more of the critical side of the other articles I chose I will be able to create a valid response for my own question.


This source is essentially about how churches have been able to grow over time using the tactic of church planting. It goes through the origin of this concept and the modern adaptation. It talks about the purpose of church planting and how it has aided in growing the church and increasing attendance of struggling congregations. It offers a perspective from the universal church and not a specific denomination. This will be helpful to my research because of the objective approach. It is very factual which will help me discern an answer to my EQ. Some quotes I thought I could use were: “The congregation at St. Peter's included slightly more than a dozen people when the church planters arrived, but by 2015, it had almost one thousand members. At the same time, the Diocese of London continued to plan and plant new churches in areas such as newly built communities.”

“A concerted effort to rapidly grow a denomination through these tactics is known as a church planting movement. Many of the strategies of these movements have also been adapted to revive dwindling congregations.” I believe I can use this as part of my solution to my essential question. It makes many good points about church growth and I think if I can take ideas with this along with more of the critical side of the other articles I chose I will be able to create a valid response for my own question. This article, more than the other ones, offers a solution. The way my essential question is written it is very ideological and therefore needs more factual evidence. It’s not necessarily a question that has a set in stone answer, but there is a conclusion that will take you in a certain direction. This provides a clear direction that I can either enforce with more research or denounce. Overall, I think this article will be the most helpful of any of them.

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